A sketch comedy series that acts smarter than it actually is. Designed to repeatedly show you something unexpected one segment after another. A narrative begins to weave itself leading up to the finale, which holds major implication for the world it is setting up. This acts as the precursor to our first feature BRAINROT.
Made this with friends who were kind enough to lend their time and talent. This show acted as my film school. As a viewer, it is obvious that I started to understand what I was doing as the show progresses. It's fun to watch and I recommend it, not simply because I made it.
featuring the talents of
Emily Murray
JD Dalton
J. Karter Stroud
Wes Skaggs
Veronica Stanley
Ben Tappan
Kati Murphy
Gavin Thompson
Ingrid Olson
Rebecca Fitzgerald
Liz Northcote
Nick Griffith
Toby Poole
Kyle Kelley
David Smith
Jacob Smith
Jacob Lambert
and more...