Last night, we finally had our first screening of BRAINROT. When we took this photo, I thought Paul had left, little did I know he was just in the next room. So I apologize for that, Paul. Wes and Bobby were unable to make it because this is real life and people have jobs that do not care for individuals personal lives. They were with us in spirit. That being said, last night was still a very good time.
I probably did not seem like I was enjoying myself. In situations like a screening, an interview or stand-up (years ago), nerves take over and I auto-pilot myself until the attention is no longer on me. This is why I stopped doing stand-up. Despite the fact that it realistically did nothing for me creatively, it was also a situation where I very directly imposed attention on myself. So I quit that. I can't , however, quit filmmaking, so the screenings and promotion I have to do to help the film get seen is my problem. Simplification: screenings and promotion are required if I want people to see what me and my friends made.
With the active choice of screening in a smaller room, there were only a couple empty seats (in the corner around the table I sat). As the room began to fill, the nerves definitely ramped up, but at the same time I was excited because ultimately, I want people to watch the movie. It was nice to see Brandon Murphy for the first time in what seems like forever. Seeing Jake Farley graciously arrive on his birthday. Sue and Hibba making an incredibly surprising appearance. Veronica and Megan just being cool. Both Pauls rolling in looking absolutely dressed to kill. JD and Lauren making it while JD's old man back is recovering. Kati strolling in with her medical herb card hot off the press. Emily's brother Geoffrey taking a WoW break to grace us with his presence. John and Emily, always doing whatever they can to make my life better. As well as many faces that I am entirely unfamiliar with. It was a good mix of people I know and don't know. And then the screening started.
Despite it being called a comedy, I never really knew if it was actually funny. To my great relief, there were laughs throughout. The overall screening process was a good time. Even though my friends who helped make the movie had seen it in varying stages of rough, it is always interesting being in a room with people who have little to no context and gauging their reactions. I understand that's the point of a screening, but even with that expectation, there's always a discovery of sorts when you watch something in a crowded room. Confirmations are made and insights about your intentions working or not are provided.
People finally watched the movie.